Sunday, February 20, 2011

Real Talk Pt. 1

So this morning I thought of what my very first blog will be about or should I say I know what it will be about. Since this is the beginning of my blogging I said to myself "self where do you want to go with this"? I decided to do what I always do and Keep It Real. So the topic of my first blog is just that Keeping It Real. This is a subject that can go on and on so my first blog is going to be a series about Keeping It Real. I posted on FaceBook today that I realized that many people use the site to create a false image of themselves in an attempt to gain respect or admiration from the people who are on their page. My question is why? Is it some sort of fake it til you make it attempt? Or is it because their so unhappy and/or ashamed of their Real life that they've created this life that they wish they had and by fronting like its real it becomes real to them and those that they portray it to? Wouldn't that make them crazy? Lets examine. Option 1: Fake it til you make it. This can be a successful tool if they are looking to do something in the public image and the life style they're portraying is a part of that. To be honest music artists do it all the time. We acccept it for the most part. Is it the same for regular folks though? I guess you can fake it til you make it on your job or hit the lotto but Real Talk, if you like 30 and you been faking it til you make it since you was 18 went to school and created a whole new life I have a news flash I hate to be a dream shatterer but you can stop faking it your never gonna make it. Truthfully you can front to everybody except that person in the mirror (and the people who know you well enough to know your a fraud). Once you start believing your own lie its time to seek help. Option 2: Unhappy with real life. Im not gonna sugar coat this, this isnt a therapy session im not a therapist and quite frankly I've got my own problems. Cut to the chase if your unhappy with your life, creating a false one wont make it any better, maybe in your head but it will probably make it worse than better. Plus the people who know you fronting are laughing at you. To close Part 1 of this series I'd like to say first and foremost Keep It Real with yourself. Second, people are supposed to accept you for who you are no matter the circumstance if they dont then you dont need those type of people in your life so stop trying to impress them. Third and last "you aint got to lie to kick it".  This your boy Eddie "E_Slim" Matthews signing off til next time reminding ya'll to KEEP IT REAL.

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